K-6 Personal Items/Material Pick Up Schedule & Information: Rhame Campus: In front of Elementary School Monday/Tuesday 9:00-12:00 all students Bowman Campus: Middle School Loop Monday 9-9:30: Last name A-C 9:45-10:15: Last name D-J 10:30-11: Last Name K-R 11:15-11:45: Last Name S-Z Tuesday 9:00-12:00 by appointment (701-523-3358)
almost 5 years ago, Mitch Strand
From NDHSAA: VALLEY CITY, N.D. – The North Dakota High School Activities Board of Directors met on March 20 via conference call for a special meeting regarding the current suspension of 2020 NDHSAA Winter Postseason Basketball Tournaments, Spring Sports and Spring Fine Arts Contests. The Board voted to re-access the current suspensions of Winter Postseason Basketball Tournaments and Spring Fine Arts Contests at their next regularly scheduled meeting on March 31. All sports and activities, including practices, are suspended until at least Monday, April 6th. The Board approved guidelines for coaches and advisors to use during the suspension. Link to approved guidelines for coaches and advisors to use during the suspension: https://bit.ly/susp-act-practice The Board also took the following action: The waiver of all fines regarding Coaching permits, Online Rules Clinics, Online Rules Tests and NDHSAA Website Requirements for Spring Sports (Picture, Roster, Cutline and Schedules). The Cancellation of the Class B District Chair Meeting, Basketball and Softball Officials Workshops, the NDOA Board of Directors Meeting, the Class B Parade of Champions, and the Class A and B Academic All-State Recognition Ceremony. Follow NDHSAA on Twitter at @NDHSAA and visit www.ndhsaanow.com for the latest NDHSAA sports and activities news from around the state.
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
Please click the link below to sign up for next week's breakfast/lunch program for ALL children ages 1-18. You can also call the elementary school M-F before 9 AM to order (701-523-3358). If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Strand (mitch.strand@k12.nd.us) or call the school. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Kni_2_HO8UqGyB-SAQYdtjMEGayORlFGhwrlQSSjoWJUQ0QyQVYwNDFFV0dTNTlCVDVVVVoyRTUxUS4u
almost 5 years ago, Mitch Strand
Parents/Guardians: Please fill out this form to help our district determine the needs of our students and families during this school closure. Please complete one survey per family by Sunday, March 22nd at 6:00 pm. We appreciate your input as we work to support the critical educational need of our students. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Kni_2_HO8UqGyB-SAQYdtt6rAcN0anZHgk2ubDpMds9UMU9MTkgxVEQyRkJTVVNSR0g3MkVEMURBUC4u
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
Mon Mar 30th Technology Meeting has been cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Debbie Bucholz
Bowman County School administrators will be hosting a Facebook Live event on Friday at 3:30 MST.
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
Bowman County Public School will be closed indefinitely to all individuals except essential personnel as a result of the Governor's executive order. Please check our school's website and social media pages for updated information in the coming days.
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
Mr. Strand and Mr. Senn will be doing a facebook live on the Bowman County Facebook page at 8:45 this morning!
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
Bowman County 7-12 students, We hope you are safe and healthy and enjoying your extended spring break week! We really are hoping to see you back in school on Monday, but at this time, we are planning ahead in case this pandemic keeps us all home awhile longer. Here are some things you need you to do if this school closure situation continues: **PLEASE make it a habit to check your school email twice a day. **You will be getting emails from your teachers, Mrs. Fisher, and me with important information. **If you need something at the school (your device, textbook, etc), call the high school office at 523-3283. We will get your things and have them at the school office so you can pick them up between 9:00 AM and noon on Mondays and Tuesdays. No one will be allowed into the building past the main offices. **If you have other questions about schoolwork, scholarships, or anything else email your teachers, they want to hear from you. **PLEASE reply to this email and any other emails that your teachers have sent so we know you are receiving the information. Just email something like, “Yep, Mr. Senn, I got your email.” If your teachers or I don’t get a return email, we will begin contacting parents. **Remind your friends to check their email too.  This situation is something new for all of us. If this school closure continues, please understand that we are all required to continue with school education. There are expectations that all teachers and students must meet. School will continue, just differently than we are used to! Stay safe and healthy,
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
Bowman County Schools will be providing a sack breakfast and lunch for K-12 students March 17th and March 18th. We ask that requests for meals are made by 9 AM each day. Bowman Campus can request by emailing Mr. Strand (mitch.strand@k12.nd.us) or calling the elementary office (701-523-3358). Rhame Campus can request by emailing Mr. Strand (mitch.strand@k12.nd.us) or calling the office (701-279-5523). Pick ups will be from 11:30-12:30 at both campuses. Bowman pick up will be at the Middle School Commons; Rhame pick up will be at the office. If you are unable to pick up and would need meals delivered, please call Mr. Strand to make arrangements.
almost 5 years ago, Mitch Strand
7-12 Bowman County Students: Along with devices, if you need any items including AR books, those items can be picked up at the school before noon today.
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
7-12 Bowman County Students: As we work through details of these unprecedented times, we will be providing you information through social media and/or your k12 email accounts. In an effort to help us communicate more effectively, we are allowing any 7-12 students that left their devices at school over the weekend to come and get their devices by noon on Monday, March 16th. If you have any questions, please contact the school at 523-3283.
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
almost 5 years ago, Debbie Bucholz
Bowman County Public School will be closing for the week of March 16 through March 20 as a result of the Governor's executive order. Please check our school's website and social media pages for updated information in the coming days. School will schedule to open on Monday, March 23. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school at 523-3283.
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
Please read the Bowman County Public School's community letter in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. For live links please see the letter on our school's website http://www.bowman.k12.nd.us/
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
Community Letter
From the NDHSAA: March 13, 2020 2:45 pm FARGO – On Friday, March 13, due to the Emergency Declaration issued by President Trump the NDHSAA will suspend play at the 2020 NDHSAA Class A Basketball State Tournament and all remaining 2020 NDHSAA Winter Postseason State Tournaments including the 2020 NDHSAA Class B Boys Basketball State Tournament. In addition to the remaining 2020 NDHSAA Winter Postseason Basketball State Tournaments being suspended, all remaining fine arts and spring sports seasons have been suspended indefinitely, which includes practices and game contests. Further information will be released as it becomes available.
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
The next Regular School Board meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, April 15, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, Debbie Bucholz
almost 5 years ago, Debbie Bucholz
Congratulations to our Bulldog February Students of the Month! #BulldogPRIDE #BulldogNATION # BulldogGRIT
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn
Students of the Month
BCHS Speech competed at Dickinson High School today. With several eastern schools in attendance, this meet brought some more diverse competition for the team. Several team members also tried new events. All members performed to the best of their abilities! Novice Award Entertain- Dani Salter 7th Place Storytelling- Logan Blankenbaker 7th Place EPR- Austin Wanner 5th Place EPR- Alyssa Buckman 3rd Place Poetry- Logan Blankenbaker 8th Place Humorous Duo- Olivia Welch and Emma Welch 3rd Place Inform- Morgan Matheson
almost 5 years ago, Tyler Senn